Footwear essentials meet luxury grit.

Quarantine International Art Contest winner: @pia.nicotra
Artist Story: “I’m an argentinian based in Florence tomorrow it will be exactly 1 month that I’m alone at home in isolation. I had to start before the official quarantine because I was sick and taking antibiotics. This is an extremely hard time, but I’m trying to take it as positively as I can. I have always been afraid of loneliness, but now I realise that I’m stronger than what I thought. I’m taking this time as a time of inner work- meditation and yoga are being very helpful, and i feel I’m becoming more flexible in my body and in my mind too.
The painting is inspired by the mood of these days – the desire of getting rid of toxic habits and thoughts, in order to be lighter, to ascend, to be ready for a new and healthier reality. oil on canvas piece, done during the quarantine in Florence, Italy.”
#oilpainting #art #instaartist
#artist #painting #contestwinner #quarantine #covid19 #Artcontest #contest #weknowcity #startshows #artoftheday #hands #humanbody

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