Footwear essentials meet luxury grit.

Quarantine US Art Contest winner: @thebooklynite
Hosted by @startshows
Artist Story: “Mila was born in Ukraine and raised in Brooklyn, which mostly left her confused. She has a degree in Finance and has worked in the corporate field for the last 10 years. Until being diagnosed with Bipolar, and making three trips to the loony bin, after which she felt completely detached from society art became a vital and only tool of communication. Something words, albeit even hands gestures, couldn’t explain. She feels like she might be allowed to stay here after all. Mother approves, kinda.”
#weknowcity #art
#artist #artistsoninstagram
#painting #artcontest
#contest #quarantine
#coronavirus #artoftheday #instaartist #startshows #contestwinner #artist #covid19 #trapped #weknowcity

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